Monday, December 21, 2009

2010 BIM Week Brochure added to website!

Check out the BIM Week website (
I've just posted the 2010 BIM Week brochure and there are full bios on all our speakers!
After you've had a chance to look everything over, REGISTER online!! Let's pack Messenger with Builders in Ministry!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

SC Chapel Podcast

Do you like to keep up with what's happening at SC's chapel even though you aren't in Winfield? We now have Chapel available for you to subscribe to through iTunes or your other favorite system for mp3's. You can subscribe through searching Southwestern College in iTunes or go here and subscribe. We've had a great semester...I hope that you can listen in!

BIM Week Workshop Leaders

Take a few minutes to check out the BIM Week workshop leaders at!

Here's a quick peek at what's in store!
On Wednesday -

Dr. Lester Ruth, our keynote speaker will be speaking on Worship as Passionate Theology.

Martin Rude & Friends (Shawn Butler, Allison Reed, Rev. Mitch Todd & Travis Hastings) will discuss the Crafting of Worship Music.

Rev. Mike Marian will "Remind Me Again What is Going On?"
(How do we help people think and express our hope in Christ - in creative ways?)

Rev. Troy Bowers and crew will take us on "The March to Zion"
(A look at the experiences and process of God breathing new life into a local congregation.)

And Thursday -

Alison Ebright and Sarah Miller will take us "From Fundamentals to Full Expression" (The PROCESS of Good Worship Music Theology)

Then REGISTER online!!

Enjoy your time together with family & friends this Christmas season and remember the reason for the season!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

11/18/09 -- SC Student Chapel

On November 18, 2009, SC hosted their annual student chapel. This year our theme was "SC Alive," and we focused on the many student gifts and talents here at the college! We had many students exercise their gifts -- Taylor Aldrich performed an interpretive dance, Audra Mann worshiped through paint, both SC worship teams led the community in worship and Aaron Duell, Molly Komlofske, Jessica Schaal, and Justin Williams all brought in a little bit of God's word! To listen, click here!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

12/02/09 SC Chapel - Rev. Ashlee Alley

This past Wednesday, the Rev. Ashlee Alley gave a Christmas message titled, "Do you See what I See?" She preached from Luke 2:22-40 and reminded the SC community to look for Jesus and His joy even in the midst of the busy Advent season! To listen click here

Monday, December 7, 2009

FTE Fellowship Deadline Approaching

Nominations must be received by Feb. 1, 2010!!

Follow this link to find out additional information on undergraduate students, seminary students, African-American PhD & ThD studies and PhD students from treditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds:

BIM Week is just around the corner!!

If you haven't visited the website: to register, please do so today!

Below is information about our Early Bird Workshop with Martin Rude and Friends!

The Crafting of Worship Music

Psalm 100 and 150 instructs everyone and everything to praise the God of creation, the God of covenant and the God of salvation in worship. What does the Lord require from those of us who lead this musical worship?

We will spend our time in three areas of focus: first, we will look at choosing the words in the songs that we author, second, the ways we use these songs in worship, and third, the power of sung theology in non-worship settings such as devotional, internet and radio settings.This time will be facilitated by various alumni involved with the writing and recording of the new Southwestern worship CD.

Martin Rude will help direct the discussion as we look into the theology of the songs and their role in worship and non-worship settings. Along with Martin, Steven Butler, Allison Reed, Rev. Mitch Todd and Travis Hastings will lead you down the path to creating a deeper worship experience with music.