Take a few minutes to check out the BIM Week workshop leaders at www.sckans.edu/bim-week!
Here's a quick peek at what's in store!
On Wednesday -
Dr. Lester Ruth, our keynote speaker will be speaking on Worship as Passionate Theology.
Martin Rude & Friends (Shawn Butler, Allison Reed, Rev. Mitch Todd & Travis Hastings) will discuss the Crafting of Worship Music.
Rev. Mike Marian will "Remind Me Again What is Going On?"
(How do we help people think and express our hope in Christ - in creative ways?)
Rev. Troy Bowers and crew will take us on "The March to Zion"
(A look at the experiences and process of God breathing new life into a local congregation.)
And Thursday -
Alison Ebright and Sarah Miller will take us "From Fundamentals to Full Expression" (The PROCESS of Good Worship Music Theology)
Then REGISTER online!!
Enjoy your time together with family & friends this Christmas season and remember the reason for the season!