Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lizard Brain could keep you from your dreams!

I finally figured out why I contradict myself so often. It is my lizard brain! The lizard brain is the prehistoric part in the back of your brain that is responsible for rage, fear, and other primal urges…even that one. This is the part of the brain that told me to stay in bed because I am not as fit or athletic as the other people at the YMCA where we work out. It is the part of the brain that tells me to second guess my vision for my sermon, my Sunday school class, my pastoral vision. It is the part of the brain that assures me that no matter how much I read I will never be as smart as others, which means I usually just don’t read. Seth Godin talks about the lizard brain as the “resistance.” The lizard brain’s main concern is survival and continuing the species so it doesn’t want to take risk. It is the force that keeps us from achieving our dreams. But the first step to quieting it is recognizing it is there.

Read the rest of this blog at www.barlowthompson.net

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